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Books, Books, and (the wrong) Books

In addition to paying my summer tuition this morning, I made the discovery that I actually bought the wrong textbook for my summer courses. Ooops! But, never fear! The incorrect book is being returned and the correct ones are here and ready to be cracked open.

Fun fact about me... I love reading! I grew up surrounded by literature of varying types and genres. At some point in middle school, though, someone decided it would be a great idea to teach me how to speed read. What a mistake. My ability to comprehend text plummeted and I started to really dislike reading. Ever since then, I have to spend extra time rereading or forcing myself to slow down when reading.

At some point in high school I found myself very uninterested in reading. (Astonishing, right?!? I have no idea how that came to be.) This continued for a few years until one day, while walking home from school, I walked past a yard sale and there I saw Thinner, by Stephen King. I purchased and devoured that book and my love for all things Stephen King was born. I read every Stephen King book in the South High School library! My love for his storytelling continues to this day!

Another fun fact about me... my all time favorite book is The Stand, by Stephen King!

Curiously, though, when it comes to reading I find myself resisting reading when having to read vs. electing to read. So as I sit here looking at my pile of text books for my summer courses, I wonder if I will need to adjust my mindset again or if my love of reading will prevail and I will devour these books just like I did with Thinner.

Final fun fact about me (for today, anyway)... I used to be part of a book blogger group! On our blog, I ran a Book of the Month reading club and reviewed young adult, adult, and children's books. One of my favorite parts of my job was to work with authors hosting Q&A sessions, promoting their books, and getting to know all about their work!

That seems like another lifetime ago! Sadly, the book blogging group has all moved on to other adventures and the website has disappeared into the internet abyss, but my love of all things books continues! Just for fun, in honor of books, books, and more books, I updated my Goodreads account to reflect the books I have been reading and/or listening to over the past 3 years.

Happy Reading!

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