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  • Donna

it's a perfect day for letting go

When I was a young girl, it felt much safer for me to sit back and watch the tiny world around me spin as I jealously observed others jumping into new experiences head first with no cares or concerns. For many years I missed opportunities and passed on adventures, not allowing myself to take risks. I found myself often on the road most travelled.

There is no one day or moment when things changed for me, but I can remember the feelings and emotions I experienced the first few times that I really let go and the world split open wide. The tiny world I grew up in expanded like the big bang and I set my on this incredible journey that continues on. More often than not, now I find myself on the road less travelled and it is thrilling and beautiful and sometimes dark and terrifying!

My love for teaching began as a quiet little girl playing school in my granny's house - making class lists of imaginary students, calling attendance, praising (and scolding) children, while giving them assignments and tasks to complete, and spending hours and hours making up worksheets for my pretend class to complete. My passion for all things school continues even as I complete my 24th year of teaching. I still love calling attendance and helping (real) students learn (thankfully without having to make many worksheets)! My grandmother never got to know that I became a teacher, but I know that she would have been terribly proud!

My world turned upside down midway through my career when I accidentally stumbled into Maria Montessori's world! And, oh, what an amazing and wonderful world it is! Because of a crazy string of events, and because I have allowed myself to "burst, grin, giggle, bliss, skip, jump, scream and shout", I found my way to happy.

It's once again time to pull down the mirrors and pull down the walls, tear up the stairs and tear up the floors.

Today really is the perfect day for letting go.

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